Tag: Leadership

Be First Second

How do you tell a story that makes an impact? Today we’re talking with content creator Khalil Garriott, Director of Branded Content and Executive Editor at James Madison University, about storytelling, thinking like a journalist, and why your content should celebrate — not sell.

Building Authentic Connections

It takes a village to build – and deliver – a brand promise. Steve talks with Judith Trumbo, CEO of VMRC, about how to build community, position your brand’s differentiators, and the importance of authenticity to your audience.

Leadership Through Listening

Helping a company through a difficult time shaped George’s philosophy on leadership. He shares why you should hire people smarter than you and how to empower your team.

Your Culture is Your Brand

Armed with stories from the front lines of hospital staff, Carrie shares real-life examples that illustrate how a brand touches every aspect of an organization and those it serves.

The Healthy Skeptic

Partner at Low Country Creative and a professor of visual storytelling at VCU’s Brandcenter, Scott has advice for all the visual storytellers out there: embrace change.