Episode 77
Brand Story Podcast

Immersive Brand Experiences

featuring Maya Guice

Director of Strategy at BRC Imagination Arts

Maya Guice, Director of Strategy at BRC Imagination Arts, talks with our president, Steve Gilman about brand storytelling and creating immersive experiences.

Define your audience. Be genuine. Tell your story. 

Maya’s advice for crafting your brand and marketing messages isn’t new, and yet it’s still so common to miss the mark. Your audience is too broad. You focus too much on product features without a story for people to relate to. It’s an easy trap to fall into, but with a few adjustments (or maybe a fresh strategy), you can create a story people will be lining up at the door to hear.

In this episode, we hear from Maya about the ways she uses authentic storytelling techniques to create immersive brand experiences. She talks about how we can bring stories to life across different platforms and how important it is to bring different perspectives to the table. While her work with iconic brands like Ford and NASA may look a lot different on the surface, the strategies and techniques used to tell their stories are very similar and can be used to guide you toward your own brand success.

About the Guest

Maya Guice

Director of Strategy at BRC Imagination Arts

As the Director of Strategy at BRC Imagination Arts, Maya helps translate brand and cultural stories into transformative human experiences. She co-developed and currently oversees the positioning and business strategy for BRC, including all brand and growth-related activities like content, PR, and events, and has partnered with brands including Johnnie Walker, Ford, and NASA. Maya also produces and hosts the podcast called Masters of Storytelling at BRC, which features conversations with storytellers across the creative spectrum. She received her MBA from the Drucker School of Management at Claremont where she now serves as Vice Chair of the Advisory Board.

Quickfire Q&A

What's a trait of yours that you used to think of as a weakness that you've learned to value?

Maya: I like to have a lot of fun while I work, and I am the kind of person where I’ve always been able to have fun and get my work done. I am colorful and multi-dimensional, and that’s okay. I can be all these things at once instead of feeling like I need to choose and fit the corporate archetype.

What would you call this chapter of your life right now?

Maya: I’m in the chapter of just creating myself. I’m just enjoying the idea of making my life and creating my life. I spent a lot of time this year and last year getting to know myself and honestly, there’s a lot of unlearning that happens as an adult in terms of what’s right for me versus what’s right for everyone else.

What advice would you give to your younger self right now?

Maya: Don’t stop. Just keep going. Life is imperfect. People are imperfect. But if we can give ourselves a little bit of grace and just keep doing our best, that’s the best all of us can do.

About The Host

Steve Gilman

As the President of Gravity Group, Steve is passionate about helping brands reach their goals through honest, creative marketing and powerful brand stories.
